Stranded On A Planet

Media Production / Composition

Stranded On A Planet is about making great music and visual media. We film, compose, produce, record, mix, and photograph with talented artists and clients from all around the world. Combining the finest analog equipment with the newest and best digital gear, we make recordings and videos that have intense emotional, musical, sonic and visual qualities.


Stranded on a new planet....

We finally found some time between projects to get a new digital cockpit up and running - we hope you enjoy the new site! The "Compositions" page links to our Soundcloud, where you can currently hear 115 library tracks we composed. The "Productions" page features 60 songs by various artists we have produced, including many of our favorites. Finally we are able to keep our "Equipment" page current as well. Don't forget to follow us on FB via the button at the bottom to keep tabs on all the new goings-on.

Professional Music Production and Composition
